Merit Scholarships

<p>Is there anyone who has received one of the Neely or Trusty scholarships? My D will be applying and I'd like to see how possible those are.

<p>My son received the Trustee Scholarship but only after some pressure. Originally he was awarded the Deans’ Scholarship ($8,000) when he applied EA and that was less than other LACs that he was accepted to so L&C sort of matched packages. He ended up going to a different school where the student’s population was a better fit.
This is the toughest year ever for college admittance and merit aid awards because of the huge number of talented kids that make up the 2012 class.
If your D plays sports, that can be a good wedge with admissions because L & C has a harder time that other schools recruiting athletes as a significant % of the student population is sort of...…issue oriented</p>

780 CR, 690 M, 700 W, 3.93 GPA – Sports, Honors, AP and mediocre ECs</p>

<p>My daughter received the Neely scholarship (full tuition and fees) She attended an alternative public high school and a traditional high school for AP classes and other courses not offered at the alternative school. She had a 34 on the ACT and graduated with a 4.0 Lewis & Clark was a good match for her interests and political leanings. She had other good choices but L&C was the best fit.</p>

<p>Mom and Ski, thanks for your replies. It looks like DD2 will be competitive for either scholarship. 4.0 grades and great SATs but very mediocre ECs. Unfortunately, no sports (except archery which doesn't exactly recruit). She very much enjoyed her visit to L&C and Portland (and I very much like the idea of some scholarship funding).</p>

<p>DD received the Neely scholarship last year. Although she chose another school, I cannot say enough good things about L&C, especially their office of admissions (of the 13 schools that DD applied to, L&C's office of admissions stands out as the best). </p>

<p>Stats were: 4.0 UW, 1440 SAT, 32 ACT, and excellent ECs.</p>

<p>I am going to encourage D2 to apply to L&C when it is her turn to go through the process. The campus is gorgeous, the students are really laid back, and as mentioned above, their office of admissions is top notch.</p>

<p>Is an interview required for the scholarship applications? My D is so bright, but also painfully shy.</p>

<p>My son received 2 scholarships. He did do an interview with an admissions rep off sight, but I don't remember it being required. We just decided that it would be a good idea.</p>