<p>I'm a junior at USC and got an internship with Merrill Lynch for this semester. Does anyone know how the internship is? Is it worth it? I know the name would look good on a resume...</p>
<p>I’ve had a friend who had a ML internship and said he did not do much. I’ve also been interviewed by a guy who was from Goldman and said ML’s internship is not worth it. But that’s just two opinions, so yeah.</p>
<p>really depends on what you’re doing at ML - PWM, S&T, IBD
ML is a good firm to work for - but they’re undergoing massive cuts as the BofA consolidation goes on.</p>
<p>check out mergersandinquisitions and the vault/wetfeet guides</p>
<p>There are many, many jobs within ML. Given that you don’t sound like it’s a real coup to have gotten the offer, and it’s early in the offer season, I’m guessing this is not a front office job. Can you tell us the area that made the offer?</p>
<p>Altema, a GS employee saying a ML internship is not worth it is just silly. Any FO internship at any BB firm will get you where you want to go in this business.</p>
<p>It wasn’t an employee (I wrote that statement in a misleading way! Sorry!). It was a person who had worked at GS in his earlier years, but now he is a private financial adviser. I’m merely speaking for the LA area. I mean I found it coincidental that my friend says he did not do much at his ML internship and this interviewer did not have good things to say about the ML internship.</p>
<p>I’m not trying to say all of ML is this way, but at least it is in some parts of my area (LAish). </p>
<p>Merely stating what I’ve heard.</p>
<p>This is a tough year. Kid’s at Harvard will be kissing the ground for offers at a decent firm.</p>
<p>I just finished one with Merrill Lynch PWM, and it truly was the worst thing ever.</p>
<p>probably b/c it was with PWM, not so much that it was ML</p>
<p>What is bad about an internship/job in PWM?</p>
<p>not to dis on PWM but it is supposed to be more about client relationships than actual finance knowledge…but this is just what I’ve heard from friends</p>
<p>so if anyone has actual experience, feel free to chime in.</p>
<p>Yeah that’s true. I didn’t learn 1 thing about finance as an intern in PWM. I mean how could I when I was cold calling 98% of the time? But hey some people like it, it’s just not for everybody.</p>
<p>I’ll be interning under the global wealth management department this semester. I have a feeling that i’ll be doing alot of cold calling as well because i’ve heard that from many ML interns.</p>
<p>However, I think you can twist around the words alot on your resume and ML would look good on your resume.</p>
<p>Everyone in the business knows what’s what. Have to admit having a little chuckle thinking about anyone charged with reeling in high net worth folks right about now…bring a good book!</p>
<p>I interned at ML PWM last summer and it was a lot of busy work at first, but I eventually got to do some interesting stuff. It’s a LOT of excel work- calculating returns on clients’ portfolios and stuff like that. I also stuffed a LOT of envelopes and did a lot of other busy work, but you have to expect some of that with an internship. It was mostly excel work and research type stuff though, I actually had fun because I loved the other people working in the office and my supervisor was really laid back.</p>
<p>How do you apply for a merrill lynch internship?</p>
<p>I’m bumping this because I don’t know how to apply for an actual internship there. I fill out the profile thing but I have no clue how to apply for a PWM internship and such…any help is appreciated?</p>