mesa court or middle earth?

<p>for those of us planning to go to uci, or even those that aren't, which dormitories would u guys prefer to stay in? and which one are u guys choosing and why? =) thanks for the input</p>

<p>I'm in Mesa right now. Middle Earth is actually closer to campus (except for the arts/humanities buildings) but they aren't quite as nice IMO. Mesa is a little bit bigger and known to be more social (i.e. not as nerdy), but this is a stereotype and I'm sure you could have fun in ME too.</p>

<p>I think they're both nice and are roughly the same size. I lived in Mesa when I was a freshman so I'm biased. But whichever one you get placed in will be great. Try to take a tour if you can.</p>

<p>i heard the setup of Mesa Court is easier for socializing...</p>

<p>I think Mesa Court is a big more spaced out, but they both look quite the same. I viewed one of the dorms and it was really nice.</p>