Meteorology at UM

<p>I am applying to several colleges with programs in atmospheric science/meteorology:
NC State
Florida State
East Carolina University
and of course, University of Miami</p>

<p>I have heard a lot about FSU, Cornell, and NC State's programs, but I was wondering how they compare to Miami. I have read a lot about how FSU's meteorology program is one of the best, but what makes it better than Miami? From looking online, it looks like Miami would be just as impressive (RSMAS looks great). Any opinions on Miami's atmospheric science program?</p>

<p>I don’t think FSU’s program is better… Of course, I’m no expert on RSMAS. All I know is that they have one of the top programs in the nation.</p>

<p>RSMAS is fantastic and has a great reputation. Also NOAA is right across the street from the RSMAS campus out on Virginia Key and lots of internships are available.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info!</p>

<p>Idk how relevant this is, but I know three broadcast journalism/meteorology majors who got on-air jobs at TV stations right out of college. That doesn’t seem like the direction you wanna go in, but says something good about the meteorology program.</p>

<p>That is actually really helpful. I am still undecided if I want to double major in broadcast journalism and do broadcast meteorology, but it is definitely something I have thought about doing. The reason I was weary of it is because I keep hearing that there are very low job prospects for broadcast jobs, but your post was very reassuring!</p>

<p>Yeah, they say prospects are low for newspaper jobs, but I graduated in May and have a pretty good job at a newspaper, and know several others who got jobs as well. There are jobs out there in every field, just fewer and fewer, which means you need to work harder. It’s true in any field these days.</p>

<p>However, don’t expect to be rich from broadcast unless you become the next Al Roker.</p>