MFA photography AAU VS. SCAD?

<p>i just get offers from AAU and SCAD</p>

<p>SCAD give me 3600 per year but it seems not a safe place
and not in a major city which means it lacks a good environment for art study</p>

<p>AAU is in a major city but it's a little bit expensive
and I hear the students and the teachers there are not so good </p>

<p>what should I choose?
any opinion about these two schools or any suggestion?</p>

<p>The MFA programs at SCAD have more respect in the art world, and in academia, than those at AAU do. So, why are you getting this MFA? What do you plan to do with it? If you plan to use it to get a teaching job at a college, SCAD may be a better choice. </p>

<p>SCAD is in Savannah, Georgia, which I agree, isn’t San Fransisco, but does have its charms. It’s a funky, artsy little city. The campus itself - I don’t know the photo building, but the main buildings are in a nice location in the city. I agree, though - some areas near SCAD aren’t the nicest. </p>

<p>Since you’re worried about the enviroment around SCAD, I’d ask you to contact admissions and ask to speak to a current SCAD MFA student in photography - and if you’re female, ask to speak to a woman. Ask her what she thinks about the area, and the safety. Then see how you feel.</p>