Miami Class of 2017

<p>No response I’m sure the office is closed by now…I’m pretty sure that’s mean im rejected :frowning: it might be diffrent for you since you are an international student I’m not sure</p>

<p>Nooo, dont say that I got a friend who just got accepted, maybe the application order has something to do, lets be positive and keep waiting and hoping that both of us will get in :)</p>

<p>Presidential Scholarship: 20K per year</p>

<p>4.0 GPA unweighted /4.68 weighted
33 ACT
8 AP’s- scored all 5 on the ones taken
4 year varsity sports
Debate 2 years
VP of two clubs
300 hrs CS</p>

<p>For those who say you have not heard yet, are you logging onto your “MyUM” account? I did not receive notice of status change or receive any type of email from UM.Best of Luck to everyone!!!</p>

<p>Did you just received the acceptance?</p>

<p>Daughter accepted with $23K Presidential Scholarship. GPA 4.75 weighted, top 5%, ACT 32, SAT 740/740/720, all 5’s on 3 AP exams last year (taking 4 this year). Almost no ECs, no service, but 16 hr/week job during junior and senior years.</p>

<p>Pickle., congrats!! Your daughter has excellent scores and deserves her wonderful scholarship!! Way to go!!!</p>

<p>Carlos- yes, I did just receive my acceptance, but my friends told me to check the site, I just arrived at home so I do not know if it was posted earlier.</p>

<p>Thanks. She will probably attend UNC-CH (in-state), but is excited to be accepted and be offered such a nice scholarship.</p>

<p>badgirl24, thank you. Ivee been checking since 7 and still no response at all, wish me luck guys!!</p>

Anyone know what the SocialU is?</p>

<p>carlos- log off completely and log on again. see if that works. dont just keep refreshing</p>

<p>Vitrac, I have been doing that for the bast 30 minutes at least 25 times. I have decided to just wait a while and then log in again.</p>

<p>CarlosCvz - You are an international applicant, I think? Are there additional pieces of information perhaps that are required for your app to be complete? Perhaps there is some paperwork associated with your particular situation that is still being processed by admissions…</p>

<p>What does your status on MyUm say? Had it been updated recently to indicate that all your documents had been received?</p>

<p>Ilinoismom93- Yes international. Well on myUM the option of checking my status never appeared, do you have any idea on what could I do to check it?</p>

<p>CarlosCvz - Since you applied you’ve never had any information on your MyUm page that showed a status of which documents had been received, etc?</p>

<p>I can’t believe I’m the only one who didn’t get a decision yet
<em>sigh</em> </p>

<p>Carlos I would call them up tomorrow or whenever they are open maybe monday</p>

<p>Accepted with $18,000 per year!
SAT: 2090
UW GPA: 3.79</p>

<p>Toby1380- You are not alone, a friend of mine is still missing her response, we should call or wait a day more to check what happened!</p>

<p>Accepted with 20k scholly. 32 ACT 95.5 GPA.</p>