Miami Class of 2017

<p>I was accepted! There was no indication of a scholarship so I’m kind of bummed. :frowning: I expected at least something with a 3.83 UW, 32 ACT, and top 14% in my class. Oh well!</p>

<p>Is your friend international Carlos?</p>

<p>Also to those who have been accepted – as soon as you sign myUM you see your decision? Or do you have to click something</p>

<p>@Toby1380 - Mine popped up as soon as I logged in!</p>

<p>illinoismom- No, never</p>

<p>Toby- yes my friend is international as well.</p>

<p>CarlosCvz - definitely call on Monday morning. Have you ever received any email from the []_[] about the status of your application? This happened last year to someone who turned out to have two different accounts with MyUm for some reason and one was never updated. Once she talked to admissions it was straightened out.</p>

<p>Kid got in with about 2230 SAT (not sure of exact), 34 ACT, AP scholar with distinction, competitive public high school, unweighted GPA about 3.6, weighted about 4.5 (not sure of exact but thereabouts) and 25K scholarship. Waiting to hear from other schools, but the scholarship definitely puts UMiami in contention.</p>

<p>illinoismom- I definitely will call on Monday, however a friend is still missing so I will wait until tomorrow and check what happened, yes I have received and the last one I recieved said that my answer was going to be delivered in the next month or so.
Thank you for everything though!!</p>

<p>Deferred :,( worst day ever…I really wanted to get in</p>

<p>ACCEPTED I LOVE MY LIFE RIGHT NOW, congrats to everyone. best day ever!! ITS ALL ABOUT THE U class of 2017</p>

<p>Congratulations everyone! This is a very exciting time and brings back good memories of this time last year, though D’s experience was a little different as an athletic recruit. D is currently a very happy freshman continues to be thrilled with her choice to be a Cane!</p>

<p>Accepted- Florida SAT 1920 (780 M 590 R 550 W) IB student 4.3 W 3.75 UW German Honors society, Executive Student Government.</p>

<p>Accepted with 13k/year scholarship. Finally, my streak of deferred notifications comes to an end at 6. Super excited for UM.</p>

<p>Anyone hear yet about a Facebook group for accepted students? If so, please post the link here!</p>

<p>LINYMOM-there is one. I’m on my phone and I can’t post the link. But if you search on Facebook for University of Miami Class of 2017 it does come up. I had found it that way also.
Congrats on your son’s acceptance. He must be thrilled. My D was rejected and is upset. We’re just hoping for Fordham now.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My son got accepted…Yes. Still deferred from NYU. Now UM is his choice :-)</p>

<p>My son was accepted to the UM Business School - Finance Program with a President’s Scholarship of $17,000.</p>

<p>I am very interested to see if he will get a scholarship weekend invitation.</p>

<p>I got in! Where do you find the info for scholarships? I thought I’d get one considering I have a 1410 two part. Now gotta choose between Miami and Michigan.</p>

<p>Accepted-no scholarship that I know of
1860 Superscored 650 CR 600 M
29 Superscored
Good ECs, Essays, sent in extra stuff