Miami from NJ

<p>I'm trying to decide between UM and Villanova. I live in New Jersey. Is it true that there are many NJ students at UM? Is there a culture shock? Miami, for me, would be a totally new and different experience. Villanova, on the other hand, would be the "safe" choice because it's what I'm used to. (Students are mostly from PA and NJ, Catholic school) I really can't decide where to go. Basically, my question is will I feel out of place at Miami?</p>

<p>Ive heard that Miami draws in alot of students from the northeast, NJ being a large portion. Im from NJ, but i got waitlisted, if i get in, i’ll most likely go tho!</p>

<p>Miami has more New Jersey people than non-Jersey people it feels like.</p>

<p>So if you are wondering if you’ll feel out of place…then the answer is DEFINITELY NO. UM has a northeast feel. not a hispanic feel. not a florida feel. not a beach feel. </p>

<p>SO, I would make your decision based on other factors…b/c if you are worried abt there not being enough NJ ppl, you shouldnt worry.</p>

<p>However, all NJ people are diff. we have rich NJ ppl, laid back ones, we even have those guidos from NJ who go clubbing all the time</p>

<p>Hahaha well I’m definitely not guido or rich so I guess I’m laid back? But thanks for the information. It’s good to know there’s not an overwhelming “Florida” feel. Any other advice for making a final decision?</p>

<p>UM might be located in the “south,” but it’s definitely a northeastern school. You won’t feel out of place at all.</p>