Miami is dangerous??

<p>I was planning on applying to Miami this fall, but my dad doesn't like that idea. He grew up in Florida and told me Miami is full of crime and drugs etc... Is this really true??? :S I wanna apply there but if it's that dangerous I don't know...</p>

<p>lol your dad is probably referring to the cocaine days of miami which ended a while ago. Miami is pretty chill now</p>

<p>No… Umiami ftw…</p>

<p>Any big city has its crime, but UM is in Coral Gables, one of the most upscale communities in Miami, and we have an great security force. You can’t leave your laptop sitting on a bench for three hours and not expect it to get stolen. But, you also should not be in fear for your life or wellbeing.</p>

<p>I came from a small town (population 8000) and I feel just as secure in Miami as I did there.</p>

<p>thank you:)) i’ll be sure to tell my dad hahaha</p>

<p>To put things in perspective:</p>

<p>Kids at USC, Columbia, Fordham, and UChicago have a lot more to be fearful of in their surrounding areas!</p>