Miami more selective than Columbia??

<p>In my letter they said 20,000 kids applied this year for 2,000 spots. If I know how to divide (and I do) thats a 10% acceptance rate this year. Is this for real? Miami=Elite</p>

<p>That would not mean a 10% acceptance rate (unless you are assuming that everyone who is accepted will be attending-100% yield)....It does, however, mean that their acceptance rate has definitely plummeted...What were your stats? Were you accepted/deferred/rejected?</p>

<p>Accepted with 16k scholarship
3.75/4 unweighted
4.75/6 weighted</p>

<p>Yea, they have gotten more selective....My d was accepted with very similar stats...Do you know how many applicants they received last year? I'll search also....</p>

<p>Edit: Found it::: 19,000 applicants for 2,000 spots...</p>

<p>wow. no way i got in. sweet.</p>

<p>last year was 40% acceptance rate so this year they broke into the 30's. Ok then cool enough.</p>

<p>What you are not taking into account is how many they ACCEPT, of the 20,000 applicants, they probably will take 5000 or so kids, about half will choose to attend if that. Schools love to put themselves on a pedastal by saying they have so many apps. for only 2000 spots, its misleading because they take at least double that, ASSUMING that approx.40-50% if that will go. Please don't quote me exactly on my numbers, these are a roundabout, but just know far more than 2000 get accepted.</p>

<p>Here are the 2006-2007 stats from US News.</p>

<p>Apps 19,037
Acceptances 7,709
Enrolled 2,062</p>

<p>Overall Acceptance rate 40%
ED rate 33%
EA rate 57%
RD rate 32%</p>

<p>Hey M-3-S! I see the same ole debates continuing :) </p>

<p>How is it going with your UM student? I haven't talked to you in a while.........</p>

UM Alum mom</p>

<p>1tcm-So glad to hear from you!</p>

<p>My S is doing great and still loving every minute at UM. He's now a junior and switched to the micobio and immunology major I think I remember your S studying. He really likes the faculty and advisors in the dept. He's president of his fraternity, a chemistry peer tutor and was just hired as an SAT tutor for Kaplan. He recently turned 21 and is dating a very sweet and adorable cheerleader. What more could a kid want!</p>

<p>How is Caneboy?</p>

<p>CaneBoy is doing fine. He and girlfriend from UM are still together. He just started his second semester at grad-school and she is contemplating law-school. You should stop over by PS.... there are somethings happening over there and everyone has asked about you.</p>

<p>why are moms on this board talking about their children who were already accepted? and why is it 'd' and 's'?</p>

<p>Moms write on this site because they answer your questions. They have already been through this process so they know most of the answers. They have been to the school and their son or daughter also give them feedback. D is for daughter. S is for son. Hope this helps.</p>