Miami U vs. UConn

<p>Kind of a random comparison, I know, but I have my college search narrowed down to two schools, and I really just can't make the final decision. I had my heart set on going to UConn for a while, but after visiting Miami yesterday, my decision got a whole lot harder...</p>

<p>Miami - Love the weather...most people would probably say not to let that be a major factor, but if I'm gonna be spending 4 years of my life somewhere, 80 degree weather year-round is not gonna hurt. It's also more of an urban setting, as opposed to UConn's very rural setting. That's more of what I'm used to and comfortable with, so that's a plus. There's clubs and bars and malls and everything nearby, whereas UConn is in the middle of nowhere. They're pretty close academically, but Miami is slightly higher ranked and has a better business program (though I don't like to put too much emphasis on rankings). I'm from Long Island, and the school is full of Long Islanders, so I should feel right at home. The campus is absolutely beautiful, with the lakes and palm trees. Miami has a great football team and I'm a big college football team...they're competitive in basketball most years too. The whole campus is wireless here, which is good since I'm gonna have a laptop...UConn isn't completely wireless, and I know the business building isn't, where I would probably be doing a good portion of my work.</p>

<p>UConn - It's a lot closer to home (I live in NY). It's cheaper (by a few thousand after scholarships and financial aid are added). It seems more friendly to students that are undecided, with a program especially designed to help undecided students pick a major by the end of their sophmore year...this is important to me because I'm undecided (leaning towards something in business but I really don't know). Miami kinda seemed like they force you into a major and you start doing things with that major right away, which is great if you know what you wanna do...but I don't. UConn is a larger school with like 7,000 more students and a bigger campus, and I want to go to a large school. Miami isn't small by any means but it's more of a medium sized university. UConn has a great basketball team but their football team sucks and I'm more of a football fan. I feel more comfortable at UConn, but that's probably because I've been there twice so I'm more familiar with it (only been to Miami once).</p>

<p>That's all I can think of right now...I'm having such a hard time with this decision, any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated. I understand a lot of you here are Miami students or future Miami students and are probably biased, but be as unbiased as possible please ;) .</p>

<p>MY son is at UM but one of his best friends is at UConn, so maybe I can help answer some questions for you.</p>

<p>I have heard the friend complain about the rural aspect of the UConn campus. There is not much to do off campus. He joined a Frat and that gives him much of his social life. He is not thrilled with UConn, but likes the proximity to home and has found friends and made a place for himself there. Most of the kids are from Conn. as with any state school you will have mostly kids from that state with all their friends from High School as well, so maybe it is harder to fit in initially. He hangs out mostly with a group from NY.</p>

<p>The difference at UM is that it is a private school with lots of diversity. My son meets kids form everywhere. I think private schools in general are more concerned with making the students and parents happy. I always get a live person when I call and issues are resolved quickly. There is a manned desk in the lobby of all resident halls, which I found out thru the friends mother, is not the case at UConn. This gives me the feeling it is more of a bare bones situation. The weather at UM can't be beat and I know the wellness center is excellent. My son plays basketball and works out all the time. He is outdoors, at the beach, the pool, studying outside by the lake, etc. </p>

<p>On the other hand, even tho UM has many kids on scholarship and many very bright students and is gaining in recognition and status every year, it may be said that there are a fair amount of "rich kids" and kids that like clubbing and social status as well. UConn may be a more down to earth population.</p>

<p>That is my take on it and I would be happy to forward any questions you might have to my son or his friend. Good luck with your decision!</p>

Miami kinda seemed like they force you into a major and you start doing things with that major right away, which is great if you know what you wanna do...but I don't.


<p>Even though you may be accepted to a "school" (Business or Arts and Sciences) Miami does not make you declare a "major" till the end of your sophmore year. Transferring between schools or changing majors is usually very easy at UM with one exception, being the Frost School of Music. My S changed majors, and I know one kid down there who changed 3 times....</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision!</p>

<p>Their both good schools. I almost applied to U Conn. U Conn isnt ranked as high as UM but is still just as good imo. U Conn is cheaper so that wil def be soemthign to consider. a negative about U Conn is that it is literally in the middle of nowehere. I wouldnt even call it a collegetown. its just some huge landgrant school out in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere. there is nothing but woods and more woods till u hit Hartford (20 min away).
Miami is in one of the best parts of Miami (a city full of stuff to do off campus). </p>

<p>Location is the big difference. U Conn and UM imo arent that different academically although UM is ranked higher.</p>

<p>First of all, know that both schools can provide you with a great education and college experience. From your post, I do believe you could be happy at either so try not to worry about your decision. My S was also accepted to both 2 years ago. Even though he chose UM, I think he would also have been happy at UCONN. </p>

<p>It seems like you have a pretty good handle on both schools and their characteristics and offerings. The main rap against UCONN has always been the VERY rural location and lack of a college town, which was the main reason it did not make the final cut with my S, as a matter of fact it did not make his final three. He also felt UM provided more personalized attention and a diverse student body with friendlier kids. We also did not get the same sense of school spirit at UCONN as we did at UM, although we were not there during basketball season which could have made a difference. These were factors that were important to my S. You need to figure out what is important to you and it sounds like you are well on your way.</p>

<p>Some things to consider. </p>

<p>Will you have a car at some point?<br>
While I'm not in favor of freshmen having cars, I would think one would really be desirable at UCONN at some point as public transportation is pretty non-existent. At UM public transportation is available.</p>

<p>Do you want the hassle of plane travel?
For some, this is no big deal. For others, the arrangements, expense and proximity to an airport is problematic. </p>

<p>Are you very outgoing?
Public schools in small states have lots of students that come in knowing each other and an OOS kid may have to work a little harder at making friends.</p>

In addition to the higher tuition, UM is located in a very expensive area. The same living expenses will require more spending money in Miami. Visits from family for move-in/out, Parents Weekend and other events will be expensive.</p>

<p>Good luck with your final decision. If you have any questions we can help you with, please ask.</p>

<p>The only drawback about U Conn is its location. Dont get me wrong, there is plenty to do on campus. Its huge and a lot bigger than UM's campus. But if u eventually like to go to an off campus bar, shopping mall or attraction, ur gonna have to drive about 20 min through 2 lane forest roads to get to the city. I would suggest going to see U Conn. its a great school and has really nice buildings, however look deep into the location. UM has a great location though u might want a car as well. Florida isnt a pedestrian friendly city although Miami (due to its mass urbanization) has a lot more pedestrian/walking areas such as Coconut Grove, Downtown Coral Gables, Downtown Miami and Miami Beach.</p>

<p>also almost forgot to say, if u want to due the whole U Conn vs UM thing, post this same thing on the U COnn thread. Most ppl answering u here are UM ppl and will be biased. Likewise if u post in U CONN they will tell u location isnt bad at all and opinions will be biased. i suggest u post in the general College selection thread as the writers there are froma ll over the place and generally hold no baises.</p>

<p>Yeah, I posted it in all 3 places (UConn section, Miami section, College Selection section)...trying to get as unbiased of an opinion as possible. So far all I've gotten from the UConn section is "I'd rather have snow than hurricanes", yeah, definitely biased.</p>

<p>I want to thank everyone who has contributed so far for their help. This really is a near-impossible decision for me and you guys have been very helpful. I'll let you guys know about my decision when I make it...and of course, more input is welcome...</p>