Miami Univ Presidential Fellows 2025

Daughter found out this morning she didn’t get accepted into the PFP. However she did get the extra 2K per year of merit. I told her getting an extra 8K for being on a 5 hour zoom call is a pretty good deal.

Congratulations to those that were chosen.


Hi! There seems to be an error with the Prodesse finalists, as I was rejected but then sent an email saying it was an error.

I was notified on 3/12 to schedule an available time for me to speak with Dr. R. Crawford for 3/15 to be offered the fellowship. They said they will keep offering the fellowship until the spots are filled, so them taking a longer time to respond to you may mean you are being considered. 3/17 I received an official email of status confirmation. Best of luck everyone!!

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Same for my son. Scheduled phone call for 3/15 to be personally notified of the fellowship award. Email came 3/16 to student and parent email confirming the fellowship!


Congrats on an amazing accomplishment! Dr. Renata Crawford is an amazing person. You will enjoy getting to know her and President Crawford. Look for the PF page on IG to connect with current and new fellows. We also have a parent of Fellows page on FB.

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See my other response above.

Congrats to your son! What an exciting time!

How do I get to this admitted student parent page?

Look on Miami’s website and find Mark Pontious. He can tell you how to get on the parent FB page.

Miami runs the parent FB groups. Call the Office of Parent and Family programs and ask them when they will be opening up the Class of 2026 Parent group. They will create a group specifically for the class of 2026, which is where they will share information about the University, residence life, etc. That’s also where parents of admitted students will be able to ask their questions in a closely monitored group. Sometime late Spring/Early Fall, those Class of 2026 FB parents will be admitted into the main “Miami University Parent and Family Members” group. The main group has been very helpful, but with all the Covid craziness, it has felt a little toxic at times.

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