Miami University Early Decision and Early Action 2024

your letter in the portal had scholarship info ?

Accepted but no scholarship info. So now wait for that

I just got accepted to Arts & Science! Was also admitted to UHP and Law and Public Policy Scholars! Hopefully merit aid will pull through!

i got accepted out of state and on the website it says i would qualify for scholarship; however, there is no info on the portal. When does the info come out?

@dcron227 My admissions counselor told me that merit scholarship info would come via snail mail in a week or two


Accepted to the college of Education, Health, and Society (OOS) and the the Education, Health, and Society Leadership Scholars cohort of the University Academic Scholars Program (UASP)! So excited!!!

For those of you who are accepted and certain Miami is The One, I will share the advice I got about 10 years ago when my oldest was accepted: have your parents make hotel reservations for parents weekend NOW because there are almost no hotels near Oxford!

Other than that, congratulations! Great college.

My results are still not out… Concerned

Since you are an international student, admissions are on a rolling basis. There is no fixed date for a decision. For example, I got it before the EA decision date for US applicants. It is possible you get it in the next few days or maybe even in January. It depends on several factors. The Upload materials option stays even after you get the decision.

Son got accepted to the Farmer School of Business last night. OOS. Congrats to those who are in and best of luck to those still waiting. We haven’t been to visit but looking forward to checking it out!

I applied as an EA candidate and submitted everything by the 6th of November. So it’s been more than three weeks. I am actually really concerned now. I’ve emailed the office of admissions, but because it is Sunday I am not hoping for a response today. Very nervous. Thank u for ur response, though :slight_smile:

D20 accepted + UHP, Arts & Sciences, Math major
3.9 wgpa, 1470 SAT, OOS

Son accepted to Farmer. Congrats to everyone!

It’s currently his first choice and he’s very happy but we are waiting on merit and decisions from 2 other schools.
Stats: OOS
GPA: 4.2 w
SAT: 1340

D20 accepted to Farmer.

Now we wait for merit aid letters to consider how competitive the program can really be compared to her other three considerations. Does anyone know when these will come out?

ACCEPTED! My daughter just checked her email, and she received a status update email…she’s in!

@jayrow Congrats! Did you apply to Honors too? What are your stats? I applied to the EHS cohort as well, and it says my application is under review. Kinda sweating ngl

DD Accepted last night to Farmers School of Business - Marketing!
3.8W GPA
1210 SAT
11 Honors/AP’s
Several EC’s, including Athletics, Business Clubs, Church Group and leadership positions in all
Excited for the admit and will now make decision harder given her other choices. Will probably attend accepted student day to help her decide

+1 … now is when the real waiting starts. Might not need more than minimum guaranteed merit for DS’s stats, but certainly would make it easier to make it Miami if they step up.

@mountainmomof3 do they send a separate letter with merit info after your acceptance letter?