Miami vs. Syracuse vs. UCSD

<p>I'm a California resident and i've recently gotten into U of Miami (psychology), Syracuse (psychology) and UCSD (undeclared). i plan on doing pre-med w/ psychology and later proceed to med school. right now, i'm primarily concerned with my chances of getting into a reputed med school through one of these undergrads. i'm also concerned with each school's atmosphere and environment. which would be the best school for me?</p>

<p>any help is appreciated. thanks!</p>

<p>We need to know a little more about you. What factors are you looking at?</p>

<p>well, i'm planning on majoring in psychology and going on to med school (hopefully berkeley or duke). i'm looking for a school that will provide me with an array of internship opportunities that pertains to my field. an important factor in my choice of schools is the strength of the school's pre-med and/or psychology program. i'm also looking for a campus with a nice environment: lively, but diligent. sorry if it's too vague =/</p>

<p>Any acceptances to UM 7 year Med Program?</p>

<p>nope net yet.</p>

<p>naw bro still waiting for the magic letter which is supposed 2 come 4 me on monday.......<em>sighs</em></p>

<p>Syracuse is a realllllllllllllllly gooood school. I live in New York and know people who go there, they always tell me such good things academically and socially. Furthermore, Syracuse is ranked better than any other schools you applied to. I recommend Syracuse as the one!</p>


<p>If you are just going by US News rankings, UCSD is actually a good bit higher up than Syracuse; according to the 2006 rankings, UCSD is ranked 32nd to Syracuse's 50. Miami is 55, so it's not that far behind Syracuse...</p>

<p>Well, I went to Syracuse U as a psychology major (mind you, it was many a year ago!) and I transfered after 2 years. Couldn't take the snow and cold and the annoying people. HA!</p>

<p>My son is now going to UM in the Fall. I think I steered him toward warm weather just because of my experience at Syracuse. My choice would be UM. It seems to have everything...good academics. good social life, lots to do, great weather. What could be bad?</p>