<p>ACT: 31
SAT: 2030
(first try for both; will retake both)</p>
<p>GPA: 3.71 UW (most rigorous courseload possible; significant upward trend since bad frosh year grades)</p>
<p>APs: USH, Euro, Lang, Calc BC, Physics, Lit, Gov, French (8 total)</p>
<p>ECs: Co-EIC of HS yearbook 2 years, Forensics 3 years, Robotics 2 years, Tennis 4 years, Big Brother Big Sister (founder/president) 2 years</p>
<p>Awards: NHS, Principal's List all 4 years, Presidential Service Award, NM Commended?</p>
<p>Volunteering: extensive summer relief work in Detroit (leader), hospital, camp counselor, tutoring</p>
<p>Work: lifeguarding, babysitting</p>
<p>Essays: will be good</p>
<p>Recs: should be good</p>
<p>White female from med/large public HS (one of the top in MI); lots of relatives have attended</p>
<p>Intended major: engineering or pre-med</p>
<p>Thanks in advance! :)</p>