<p>Currently a junior in highschool with interest in both of these schools. How similar is Michigan State University & University of Michigan- Ann Arbor. Differences? Your preference?</p>
<p>You can’t really generally just compare the two.</p>
<p>U of M is generally more prestigious, but MSU has some better programs.
MSU has a much nicer campus and IMO, friendlier students. </p>
<p>You really must be more specific about what you’d like. </p>
<p>I applied and was accepted to both, but chose MSU.</p>
<p>I know quite a few people going to both schools, UMich tends to be more “serious” and has more out of state recognition, but the folks I know there say that it’s more pretentious and cliquey than MSU, but like it nonetheless. MSU is a more “chill” environment and has less competitive (w/ each other) students (aside from the honors and residential colleges) and is mostly Michigan people. </p>
<p>I will probably end up going to MSU barring financial problems (from out of state) because of the James Madison College even though I have a solid shot at getting into Michigan, as UMich doesn’t offer International Relations and their poli-sci program isn’t any better than what MSU offers with Madison.</p>