Michigan Transfer Admission

<p>Im interested in transferring to UMich for the Fall of 2006. I’m currently a freshman in college and had a few questions about applying to UMich, and would appreciate if someone could answer them.</p>

<li>Since UMich has rolling admissions, when would be the best time to apply for the Fall of 2006? Im guessing right after I finish my 2nd semester? </li>
<li>On the application it asks if I want to apply for the LSA or the Business school. I want to major in business, but by the Fall of 2006 I will be a sophmore, so I should just apply to the LSA right?</li>
<li>Does instate/out of state come into play for transfer admissions?</li>
<li>How competitive is the transfer process at UMich? Does anyone have any average grades/SAT’s that an admitted transfer student at UMich has?</li>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>Anyone here know about the transfer process to UMich?</p>

<p>Many of these questions may be answered on Michigan's Q & A section. I'd start there first. </p>

<p>Your Ross question is something you may need to ask Michigan about. It's a new process, and I'm not sure exactly when they're going to a full 3-year program.</p>

<li>Yes, after you finish your second semester.</li>
<li>Not sure about this one</li>
<li>Much easier for in-state</li>
<li>It's competitive, but with a solid GPA and tough college courseload, you should be fine.</li>