<p>I'm an accepted transfer student to the University of Michigan. I just found out that I did not get on campus housing, which is a big deal for me. Does anyone know any way around the system or any tricks to get housing? Is there anyway to check the validity of the off campus housing search the university provides for students? Any other ideas for how I could get a place to live?</p>
<p>Craigslist? FB Marketplace?</p>
<p>Check out the Co-op housing. Not sure of the link, but if you search umich you may find it.</p>
<p>The University has an off campus housing search that is more organized and easier to navigate than Craig’s list (at least in my opinion). I don’t know what FB Marketplace is. </p>
<p>I think I found the co-op housing website. There it said that right now it was only a summer thing… [Housing</a> in Ann Arbor](<a href=“http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/housing-long.jsp]Housing”>http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/housing-long.jsp) Is this what you were talking about?</p>
<p>I have a friend with a great apartment who is looking for a roommate, Ill PM you the information he sent me with his email address.</p>
<p>Try to network with other students and shake something loose.</p>
<p>Blarger, I apologize - no, that’s not it, THIS is it, and there may be spaces avail if you contact them right away. I know a few students who did it and didn’t mind it – more economical than the res halls, I believe:</p>
<p>[Inter-Cooperative</a> Council](<a href=“http://www.icc.coop/]Inter-Cooperative”>http://www.icc.coop/)</p>
<p>Here’s space info:
<a href=“http://stickerbook.icc.coop/apply/spaces.php?period=38&start=2010-09-01&end=2011-05-01&submit=Submit[/url]”>http://stickerbook.icc.coop/apply/spaces.php?period=38&start=2010-09-01&end=2011-05-01&submit=Submit</a></p>
<p>I was in your shoes last year. If you’re female try the Martha Cook Building or Henderson House. They are University of Michigan housing, but they are not traditional dorms and have their own application process. I luckily got into MCB my other options were an apartment in Northwood or a Triple in Stockwell. My recommendation is to call and talk with someone in housing. They should be able to tell you what they have free right then. </p>
<p>One of my friends was also a transfer and she didn’t get housing until the week before move in. Another one of my transfer friends lived in Northwood and felt so disconnected. You are much better off trying to find off campus housing over Northwood Apartments. If your in Engineering its not as bad living on North Campus, but you would probably still be better off living off campus in the north campus area over Northwood. </p>
<p>I had a really tough time going through the off campus house search. It would have been much easier if I had lived near Ann Arbor and would have been able to meet people in person and tour prospective apartments because thats how its done in Ann Arbor. One of my good friends lives in an ICC coop. Just fyi there are all types of houses within the coop.</p>
<p>Good luck with housing. you can pm me if you have a question</p>
<p>Hello sir,
My name is Gene Nakazato. I was planning on finishing my 3rd year of University at UMich this coming fall but due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not be returning to UMich. I am currently under a lease beginning this Fall, on 9/3/2010 until 8/20/2011. I am looking for someone to take over my lease. It is a single apartment located on 521 Walnut, Ann Arbor Michigan 48104. If you googlemap the address you will find that it is very close to campus. At this point I am desperately trying to find somebody to take over the lease. If you are interested please email me directly at <a href="mailto:gene.nakazato@gmail.com">gene.nakazato@gmail.com</a> . I will provide you with more specifics about the apartment which is under Varsity Management, a prominent off campus housing company in the Ann Arbor Area specializing in student housing. I look forward to hearing from you.</p>
<p>^ please don’t advertise so blatantly.</p>