Microsoft office Onenote

<p>Has anyone heard of it? If so do you use it and would you recommend it for notetaking?</p>


<p>Ya I have heard of it. I received it when I got my Toshiba laptop. I havent installed it and I dont think I will. Im gonna get Office. But maybe I will if Onenote is good and useful.</p>

<p>I got onenote with my gateway laptop and I haven't used it that much yet, but from what I have done it worked really well. I would definately recommend it for taking and organizing notes. It uses a nice system for keeping your saving your notes in seperate folders so you don't have to worry too much about saving files in seperate folders on your desktop, it's all in the program.</p>

<p>Is the note taking just typing?</p>

<p>it's very popular among tabletPC users so my guess is that it isn't just limited to just typing.</p>

<p>if you guys want to actually test it out you can actually download the beta version of Office 2007 OneNote. All you have to do is sign up for free at and you can use it up until next year.</p>

<p>What are "side notes" besides the classes tab.</p>

<p>Also I'm concerned that I'll soon have too much writing on there, is there a way to delete folders as a whole?</p>

<p>It most definately is not limited to just typing, and if you want to try it out I wouldn't recommend doing it with a regular pc, you'll want to try it out on a tabletPC to get the full feel for the program. You can also delete whole folders relatively easily.</p>