<p>It’s not a matter of being “kept out” of Barnard – it’s a matter of getting IN. Barnard’s admission fits the “most” selective designation at the CollegeBoard and US News sites – that is the same broad designation given to the Ivies (a step above the designation of “very” selective). No one gets into those colleges without either having absolutely stellar academic credentials, extremely rich and famous parents, and/or something “special” to add to their application and make it stand out from the rest.</p>
<p>The most likely reason that the high stat applicant who got accepted to Wash U was turned down from Barnard was a lackluster application. By lackluster I mean that the application itself (essays, short answer) didn’t stand out in any meaningful way from the others. My daughter was accepted to all but one of her reach schools but waitlisted at schools she considered to be matches – I think that is because she targeted her reaches more and put more effort into the applications.She took the matches for granted – so the reaction from the admissions department was “meh”.</p>
<p>The standing out part needs to take part in the context of a process that will means that one or two very over-worked admission readers will spend roughly 5-10 minutes at most reading through the application. The best advice I ever got from CC was that an applicant’s chances were improved immensely if she could easily be described with two strong (and different) nouns or adjectives. The idea is that there was something memorable about the student, and something simple enough that it could easily be conveyed in the context of a round-table discussion with other admission officers. </p>
<p>The test scores are probably the least significant part of the application – that is, no one is ever rejected from a selective college simply because their test scores are at the bottom of the reported range. (Below range, yes – but if Barnard is willing to admit 25% of students with ACTs at or below 28, that is not a ground for rejection – it’s just that it doesn’t add any value to the application either.)</p>
<p>Colleges like to see students who challenge themselves and go beyond what their school offers in the pursuit of an interest or talent. Consolation is right: the aspiring journalist whose school has no newspaper would have started their own. </p>
<p>Again: it makes no sense for a parent to try to makeover their child in order to qualify for elite college admissions. As a parent, I can attest that the drive and determination needs to originate with the student. When a kid has it, there’s no mistaking it, nor is there any need to puzzle out what to put in the college apps. It’s just there, like a bright shining beacon that everyone who knows the kid can see. </p>
<p>There is nothing wrong with the kids who don’t happen to develop those sort of standout qualities in high school. But there is also nothing wrong with attending one’s state college or a school that doesn’t happen to be on the US News top 10 list. My son is a state college grad - and he had some incredible opportunities that came his way because he was in a college environment where he could stand out – so in hindsight it was the best possible choice he could have made for a college. </p>
<p>I do think that it’s important for kids to be realistic and for parents to help guide them to making the right choices. But part of that process starts with understanding where one stands among the competition.</p>
<p>I do also agree with Consolation that a student who may want to major in journalism should not be looking to Ivy/elites in any case. I think academics at elite colleges are structured around the idea of preparing students to be scholars – to enter Ph.D. programs, conduct research, write articles for scholarly journals. Journalists need to learn a different style of writing – one that favors clarity and easier readability, shorter sentences, active voice, fewer subordinate clauses. The OP should be looking at schools that will provide a good environment to develop her interests, not schools that look impressive as a bumper sticker on her parents’ car.</p>
<p>Maybe we should take the Barnard discussion over to the Barnard thread? I don’t think it really fits here … (As far as I know, the OP’s daughter doesn’t even have Barnard on her radar.)</p>