Mid-semester grades

<p>My daughter is waiting for her acceptance which they say will be by the end of March. Unfortunately we are traveling out next week combining it with another trip and doesn't seem like we will find out before we leave. They asked for mid semester grades and she had 4 above 90% and 1 class at 89%. Two of these are advance placement courses and rest are senior fillers. My question is do they ask everyone for these grades even if they aren't being considered or do they limit to those on the bubble. I ask because I would imagine her scores would lean towards acceptance.</p>

<p>Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m fairly certain they ask everyone for mid semester grades.</p>

<p>Current UW parent here – everyone whose application is still open is asked to report grades. </p>

<p>Admissions decisions are available online, once made, so if you have access to the internet and UW portal, you should be able to get the decision. </p>