Mid west nursing schools to visit?

Hi! This is my first post! We are planning a spring break tour of possible nursing schools for our daughter. We live in Cincinnati, Ohio, but she’d like to get at least an hour out of town, so UC and Xavier are out. We’d hope to stay within 4-5 hours of town (I’d prefer closer:))
Her stats are: SAT: 1450, ACT: 32, GPA: 4.3W, 3.9UW. She is interested in Christian schools or public schools with strong campus ministries.

She is our oldest of 7, so budget is real for us!
We’d probably prefer direct admit, but we are open.
Planning to visit:
OSU, (Is this still direct admit for honors?)
Purdue (We both went to Purdue… but it’s out of state for us)

What are we missing? Thanks a bunch! So grateful for this group!

As far a Midwest - I have heard Ohio and Kent State are good for nursing and in-state for you and with those number, great chance for merit scholarships. Also, if you want to extend out a bit further, Loyola of Chicago is a great choice for nursing and I do like the choices of Purdue and Hope College.

Hope college (in holland Michigan) is amazing!!!
It is not a direct entry nursing program (to my knowledge) but with her stats, he she would easily get into the nursing program.
It is a great college campus, super safe. They have a gorgeous chapel right on campus. It’s a street or two over from an awesome downtown that has won awards. It’s only a few miles from the beach.
Definitely worth a visit. PM me if you have any questions about it.

Grand Valley in Grand Rapids Mich. We visited and really liked it. Very strong program but she would qualify for direct admit. Nursing school is located in Grand Rapid’s medical mile right downtown. Not religious though. How about Duquesne in Pittsburgh?

It’s really too bad she won’t consider UC and Xavier - those are two very good direct-admit programs and are tops on my daughter’s list.

Kent State is not direct admit, and I don’t think Ohio State is either. I don’t know much about this one, but you might want to consider Cedarville University (Christian school).

The top nursing school in your area is U of Michigan, ranked 7th in the nation and also a direct program. My dd is going there. But it’s not religious though. It’s probably similar to Ohio State. I went to Purdue for my MS. It’ not conservative either. Typical liberal college town.

@JH8888 How does she like UofM’s nursing program? We are also considering UofM.

I would highly recommend Loyola Chicago which is a great school and less than 5 hrs away!

U Pitt program is also very good.


She absolutely loves it. She is in the honor program. We never thought she would get any scholarship as being in-state, but she got $6000 a year scholarship every year.

She wants to pursue anesthesia in the future. She also wants to live in DC. She went to DC to be interviewed at 2 hospitals for Surgical and CV ICU jobs in the last couple of weeks. The Michigan name carries so much weight and the school prepared her so well, she got both jobs. She was able to touch the most advanced machine during her senior rotation, the hospitals were really impressed because most hospitals don’t even have it.