<p>Over the course of the whole college admissions process, my school has been difficult about using "colleges" forms, since they prefer their own system. My school would not allow my counselor to fill out the secondary report or allow the teachers to use MIT's recommendation form. I asked the "head counselor" if we could fill out the mid-year grade report to ease the admission's department system of cataloging, but he insisted that unless they specifically called and requested the form, the school would only send in my semester grades. They mailed my semester grades two-weeks ago, but the tracking system still does not have the mid-year grade report registered. I know it must be hectic in the office right now, but I am wondering if I should call and ask if semester grades are ok, or if I should just surreptitiously get my college counselor to fill out the form and send it in my self (I think I could swing that). I am probably "sweating the small stuff" a little too much, but I don't want to be an imposition on the admissions people. By the admissions office grace, I was accepted EA, so it isnt urgent in that they need the form to make a decision. Anyway, suggestions or advice is more than welcome. Thanks!</p>
<p>I would suggest doing what you are thinking – call the admissions office to see if they have received the grade report, and if all is well. My strong suspicion is that the admissions office will be fine with your school’s report. (They deal with difficult schools all the time. :))</p>