Mid Year Grades: Should I Be Concerned?

Hey all,
So I got admitted ED to WashU and I submitted my enrollment stuff already. However, I’m a little concerned about my grades and its possible effect on my acceptance.
These are the quarter grades I sent out when I applied:
AP Chem: B
AP Econ: A
AP English: B
Journalism: A
AP Calc AB: C
Art 1: A

These are probably my semester grades:
AP Chem: B
AP Econ: B
AP English: B
Journalism: A
AP Calculus: C
Art 1: A

Should I be concerned? Well, I mean I already am, but do you think that this would be enough for rescindment?

My major was in their Olin Business School.
Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated. Needless to say, I’m definitely going to give it a 110% next semester for final transcripts. Thank you!

I don’t think so. The only way you would possibly get rescinded would be if you had all Cs or worse.

Dang you got in with 2 b’s and a c? I had a 4.0 in equally hard classes and didn’t get in. Nice. Your grades are basically the same as the ones you submitted so you should be fine mate. :slight_smile:

@zakarta Yeah I was surprised and still am. Thank you for your opinion and best of luck with college admissions :slight_smile: !

@anonemuss Okay, thank you!

It’s really reassuring to hear this, but obviously I’m going to be even more careful with my grades now. Thanks guys!

Hi, I was also admitted ED and I have similar concerns! I had all A’s when I sent in my quarter grades, but I now have a very low B in AP Calc and after struggling with the final, risk ending up with a C.

I can’t offer you much advice since I’m in the same boat, but I just wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone in your worries! Also, I’ve done quite a bit of research on CC and other places on colleges rescinding their offers since I realized I might get a C, and the general consensus seems to be that you have to basically REALLY screw up your grades or run into trouble with the law to get your offer rescinded.

I’m still a bit worried and am definitely going to be extra careful with my grades, too, but realistically, I don’t think we have too much to worry about.

You guys will be perfectly fine, if you get very bad grades (mostly Cs and Ds) you could be placed on academic probation at worst. You’d REALLY have to screw up to get your offer rescinded.

accepted ED as well. Do we send our semester grades or just end of year grades?

You’ll end up sending both

This question comes up every year and the opinion expressed by most has been that they want to see that you continue to challenge yourself with the rigor of the courses you take and the effort you put forth. They want to be sure that you don’t take senior year off.