Mid-year transcript

<p>How much weight to midyear grades carry in the admissions process?</p>

<p>I've gotten all A's and B's up to this point, top 10% of class, 2100 SAT, good extracirriculars, etc etc. But for some reason, this semester has just been going really badly for me and I may end up with a few C's for my semester grades. One of the C's is due to me taking an AP course without taking the pre-req. so I may be able to have my guidance counselor explain that when he sends the grades out. The other two are just due to.. lack of effort, I suppose. </p>

<p>Would this play a big enough role in deciding between admission and rejection? I'm considering colleges in the range of Case and University of Rochester.</p>



<p>Either way, there's nothing you can do about it. Just try to relax.</p>

<p>Case and Rochester?</p>

<p>You're fine.</p>

<p>here, take a chillax pill</p>

<p>have your counseler explain the AP...a C in an AP is like a B in a regular class, they wont care</p>