Middle school grades

I am little confused about middle school grades. Do I put it under 9th or 8th grade if I took algebra in 8th grade?

Middle school classes that are part of series continued in HS (math and language) are part of the rigor section of the application, but I do not believe grades are reported. You should call admissions to be absolutely certain. I know they do not require middle school transcripts. Good luck!

According to the Cal state apply instructions:

If you completed courses in 7th or 8th grade to fulfill A-G subject requirements, please select the appropriate grade level, along with your first high school attended in 9th grade and your 9th grade academic year.
b. Select the School that you attended for that grade level
c. Select the appropriate Academic Year
d. Click the green check mark to continue

So you enter them under 9th grade.

I wanted to add that I spoke with Admissions to clarify this matter for 2019 admissions cycle. I was informed that middle school grades for this cycle can be reported P/NP, and that they take the highest level Math completed and work “backwards” to calculate Marh MCA, with the assumption that if one took Alg 2, that one passed Alg 1, and if one took Cal BC, one passed Calc AB, etc. I am unaware if 7th or 8th grade Math marks for letter grade are recalculated for a CP GPA; my thinking is they are not, and only HS letter marks A-G are. Moreover Middle School marks likely wouldn’t be required to fulfill A-G given HS math taken and passed.