Middlebury or Georgetown?

<p>Which is more prestigious and famous?</p>

<p>You're splitting hairs with these two schools. They're both Top Tier, but they're difficult to compare and both have their ups and downs. Can't go wrong with either.</p>

<p>Both are great schools, but I would say that Georgetown is a lot more "famous", especially outside of the East Coast.</p>

<p>Georgetown's name is recognized throughout the US and also maintains a strong international presence. Middlebury, although very prestigious along the East Coast, is probably not as well known in "Podunk", USA or Xian, China. I think that "prestige" can be measured by how an average person (not an average CCer) reacts to a name. And, overall, Georgetown has a higher "name" recognition. </p>

<p>However, this does not take anything away from the wonderful education that Middlebury affords to each of its students.</p>

<p>funny, someone on my hall at middlebury is actually from xian, china.</p>

<p>but yeah, name recognition/fame=georgetown, mainly because of sports and size. but georgetown doesnt exactly blow people away and middlebury isnt exactly far behind, especially among people who know colleges. </p>

<p>but you should really think about quality of life and the kind of people at the school, not what sweatshirt impresses people in the elevator.</p>

<p>^so does Hopkins, Northwestern blow people away?</p>

<p>Georgetown's alumni list
Georgetown University:
President William Clinton!!!</p>

<p>and... (SOURCE WIKIPEDIA)</p>

<p>Law, government, and politics</p>

<p>[edit]Heads of State
His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan ibn al-Hussein (MSFS 1987), 1999-present
Ricardo Arias Espinosa (SFS 1935) - President of Panama, 1955-1956
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (SFS 1968) - President of the Philippines, 2001-present

<p>hey that was my post on a different board.</p>

<p>Among those who know something about higher education, they are equals. Among those who don't know much about elite colleges, Georgetown holds more weight (it's much larger, has graduate schools, and D I sports (including a decent basketball team)). That being said, among those who don't know much about elite colleges, Penn State trumps them both in prestige (if you're going by the number of people who have heard of a school). See my point?</p>