<p>October 6 Midterm grade submissions for 100-200 level courses (due 12:00 Midnight)</p>
<p>where do those get posted, M2CK?</p>
<p>On mybama…student’s account. Student tab. If all classes aren’t shown, click on “more” in the left-hand corner.</p>
<p>my DD should have 8 grades (unless the lab is lumped in with the class).</p>
<p>only 4 are posted.</p>
<p>: (</p>
<p>Labs that have zero credit hours don’t have a grade. It is lumped with the lecture course.</p>
<p>i didn’t count those. : )</p>
<p>i am sure they will show up!</p>
<p>Did you click on “more” in the left corner?</p>
<p>What classes are missing?</p>
<p>Maybe the small 1 credit ones don’t have to do this.</p>
<p>There is a possibility that some of the professors/instructors were late in posting midterm grades and the system hasn’t been updated to reflect those grades.</p>
<p>missing are chem and lab and a couple of the engr classes</p>
<p>Thanks Mom2K! I am thrilled with the results
<p>Roll Tide!</p>
<p>Thanks for the tip. glad to know things are going well!</p>