Midterm Grades?

<p>When I check DS midterm grades, there is only one grade posted ( Math 247). I was under the impression that midterm grades were going to be available on 10/10…</p>

<p>They actually have until 10/17/2012 to post mid-term grades.</p>

<p>Last day to report mid-term grades is 10/17/2012.
My D only has 2 grades so far.</p>

<p>2 grades currently posted for my son.</p>

<p>[Grades</a> and Grade Points < The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://courseleaf.ua.edu/introduction/academicpolicies/gradesandgradepoints/]Grades”>http://courseleaf.ua.edu/introduction/academicpolicies/gradesandgradepoints/)</p>

<p>In case anyone else is new to the +/- system of grades :)</p>

<p>For those of us with freshman here - a question on the midterm grades posted on mybama. Is that the grade on the midterm exam itself or the student’s overall grade at the midterm? Or does that vary by professor? My son is not doing as well as we (and he) are used to (in a couple of classes - they just happen to be the classes with midterm grades posted). Not all of his classes show a midterm grade on mybama yet but there are a couple that are not showing the grade he thought he was earning (he keeps pretty close tabs). For instance, in his Biology class the grade on mybama just seems to be the grade on the only test he took (back in September) and doesn’t factor in his lab grade (which is very high) or some other items (quizzes, etc…). </p>

<p>This not getting straight As is new to him and he is very aware of what he needs to have to maintain his scholarship - so he is working through a plan, will be talking to his professors, etc… We are letting him deal with these issues, and I’m sure he will report back after his talk with the Biology prof above, I was just wondering what that grade on mybama actually represents and you veterns are all sources of fast info.</p>

<p>Not a veteran, but it seems to vary by professor.</p>

<p>My son’s calculus prof emailed and said the midterm grade would only be based on the first test and that’s exactly what it seems to be - the grade he received on his first test, even though there are 4 tests + a final + a homework grade. He had expected his homework grade to pull up his midterm grade, but the prof didn’t seem to compute that.</p>

<p>Other courses seem to be based on all work to-date.</p>

<p>My son is also adjusting from being a big fish in a small pond. He called not long ago very distraught because he was working long and hard and still was getting a B in a course. I responded, “That’s great, a B’s not bad at all.” He responded, “But it’s the lowest grade I’ve EVER had.”</p>

<p>We are seeing grades never seen before either.<br>
So far only 3 posted. Is it possible there will be classes with no mid terms posted?</p>

<p>ILMom - Not sure which Biology course you are talking about but I did see where our DS’s Honors Biology midterm was based on the one test they have completed. The Prof did mention that HW, Labs and quizes “usually” will help to pull that up for the overall term.</p>

<p>As far as number of grades posted DS has five posted and 4 still waiting (has a number of ENG 1 hour classes and MDB so his number of classes is a bit higher than most)</p>

<p>I expect the rest will be posted today or very early tomorrow. My understanding is that all level 1 or 2 courses have to post a midterm.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that midterm grades are not posted on transcripts. Some professors/instructors will post midterm grades that are not curved, low midterm grades to encourage the students to work harder, or the same midterm grade for every student.</p>

<p>I think the profs have until midnight to post midterm grades on 100-level and 200-level courses. My understanding is they don’t need to report on higher level classes. </p>

<p>I would encourage your S or D to talk to the prof to see how the midterm grade was calculated, especially if it was low. Don’t flip out and drop a class without a long discussion with the teacher.</p>

<p>Will grades for OA and AA appear with the midterm grades? I would think those grades are available, since the courses ended 2 months ago, but I know in my D’s case it hasn’t been communicated.</p>

<p>I don’t think AA and OA appear at midterm, IIRC.</p>

<p>Beth’s mom, my S’s AA is not known or posted either.</p>

<p>One grade posted out of 5.Some are upper level, but not understanding why the 200 level Lit class isn’t posted. Nothing on e-learning. This is making me nervous. S tends to be very optimistic. I’ve asked him to check with Eng Prof, we’ll see if that happens.</p>