Midterm Grades

<p>Keep an eye out- my daughter has one up so far.</p>

<p>Weird - the midterm grades seem very early this semester! My S has 4 posted now. </p>

<p>Last year (as a FR), he was seriously considering dropping a class - the midterm wasn’t posted until the day before the deadline and this caused him great stress. (fortunately he didn’t have to drop the class, and even ended up with an A in it) Based on that experience, I told him that if there is ever a doubt with how he is doing in a class, he needed to go talk w/ the professor. He’s been much better going in and communicating w/ professors ever since. </p>

<p>My S has had 1 midterm grade posted for nearly 2 weeks. He has 2 other 100/200 level classes that he still doesn’t have grades posted for. I think all the weather closures have impacted it this semester.</p>

<p>My S grades are all posted and 2 are bad- he has been skipping a few classes and he is learning the hard way told him that he better get those grades up or he will be paying his way soon…OR coming home! :)] </p>

<p>My son is graduating in a few weeks, but taking two freshmen level courses because he was interested in them. Both of those classes have midterm grades posted. So nice to see those again!</p>