Midterm question?

<p>I apologize in advance for this, I am sure this has been asked a thousand times, but I'm not sure about Tech's specific stats and policies on grades...</p>

<p>In high school I maintained a 3.65 GPA and all A's and B's as year grades, but my midterm grades this year might pull my chances way down</p>

<p>AP Biology ---A
Advanced Design---A
English College 12----A
Government12/Service Learning----A
AP Statistics----C
AP Physics B-----C+</p>

<p>I'm super stressed that the 2 C's could tank my chances, am I stressing out for nothing? I'm trying really hard to bring my grades up, but the midterm grade report has already been sent. :(</p>

<p>You should be stressed only if your SAT scores were horrible. If they were not, you shouldn't worry a bit.</p>

<p>that isnt with the .5 is it? cause if u had a D+ that could hurt</p>

<p>Weights are different for different Schools, Hyun Woo. While in Fairfax County .5 is added for AP courses, Some counties add .5 for honors courses and a full point for AP courses.</p>

<p>this is without any of the weight added, they do that at the end of the year</p>