Midyear grade report?

<p>I just got my tracking number today for ED, and at the top it reads:</p>

<p>“Please be sure to request a mid-year grade report to be sent to our office as soon as possible if you have not done so already.”</p>

<li><p>Does this mean as part of my ED application? </p></li>
<li><p>Are they referring to just a transcript with my quarter grades or the entire Common App Midyear Report?</p></li>
<li><p>For the quarter marking, I got a C+ in physics but now that has risen to a B due to more grades being entered. Is there any way I can explain that to admissions?</p></li>


<p>I should think a “mid year” grade report would be just that: mid YEAR and not due in to them until January or so (at the end of the first semester). But if you are in doubt, call the admissions office…</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. I called them today and they clarified that the midyear grade report notice is more for regular decision applicants and that sending in quarter grades for ED applicants is optional. If the ED applicant gets in, she must send in a midyear grade report.</p>
