Midyear Report/Missing Documents

<p>On my WesCheck page it says that I'm missing some documents... all of which I didn't even know were required. I'm assuming that some of them are only for the Asian scholarship candidates? Am I required to send a Midyear Report, or does that only apply to transfer applicants? I'm a Regular Decision applicant.</p>

<p>Nope, midyears are for everybody.</p>

<p>They state specifically that the midyear isn’t due until Feb 15th, though.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if Wes takes the mid-year report especially seriously? Because I’m worried about my midterm exam grade for one of my classes and I don’t want my ED admission to be in jeopardy because of it. I managed to pull off an A in the class my first marking period but it’s going downhill very quickly…my entire class is suffering because of my idiot teacher, unfortunately.</p>

<p>Even if your grade does put your admission in Jeopardy (which I doubt it will, but I can’t convince you of, haha), I’m sure Wes will look at your case individually and you will have the opportunity to explain the situation to them. If the reason your grade dropped was because you just stopped caring about school, that would be a problem, but that’s not the issue. They’d understand – you’ll be okay :)</p>

<p>…Did you other admits get a scary “keep your grades up, or else!” letter from Wes?</p>

<p>Yes! I just got it today. This is such bad timing. I have two finals tomorrow morning, so I’m really nervous now. I have AP Stat and Calc, and they’re within 10 minutes of each other. Also, Calc is 2 hours long, and Stat is 1.5 hours long. Wesleyan is just feeding my fear of being rescinded.</p>

<p>Wow, that’s ridiculous! Good luck – I bet you’ll do great :)</p>

<p>everyone gets the “keep your grades up” letter, so dont worry too much!</p>

<p>I didn’t get the letter (yet, I presume). I’ve got my two last midterms tomorrow and I am a bit worried about Wesleyan seeing my performance. I know I bombed my AP French Lit exam today, and I’m nervous about AP Calculus AB, which I have tomorrow morning (and I just happen to be coming down with a cold - yay timing!). My guidance counselor has assured me that she’s never heard of a student at my school being rescinded from a college, but I’m still neurotic.</p>

<p>Wow, the counselors at my school are a stark contrast – they love to come to our classrooms and tell us horror stories of kids who have been rescinded in the past, and cry in the counselors’ offices and stuff, to intimidate us into working.</p>

<p>I don’t think Wes can see midterm exam grades though, just your semester grades. (Or at least that’s the way it works at my school – maybe it’s not universal).</p>

<p>Haha I’m neurotic too. It’s what got us into Wes.</p>

<p>…and since I completely blanked on most of my calculus exam this morning, I really, really hope they either don’t see or don’t care about my midterm exam grades. >_></p>