Midyear Report (Please help)

<p>I had an upward trend halfway though sophomore year and started making straight As after making a few Bs. I made a B in English and a college course that I took. I have As in all my other classes, and I am taking a rigorous course load, but I am worried that this will discredit my upward trend. I am really worried that this will hurt my chances at the schools I am applying to. I am applying to many of the Ivy League schools and other top schools. Will this hurt me since I have made other Bs as a freshman. My GPA is currently 3.84ish.</p>

<p>If the lower grades are in tougher AP/Honors classes, I don’t think it will make that much of an impact on your application. Keep in mind there are other aspects still, ie test scores, that are likely going to affect your acceptance.</p>


<p>what exactly do the midyear reports show?
do they show your semester grades and midterm exam grades?</p>

<p>semester grades</p>

<p>3.8 GPA is not good. Unless you have amazing EC and URM, it would be tough for ivies. There are too many 4.0 and perfect ACT SAT kids competing for a very small number of slots…</p>

<p>^ unless the reader of your file connects with your story
^ unless you are from a state/country in high demand by said school
^ unless you are an under-represented minority on said campus
^ unless you play a difficult to recruit instrument for the school orchestra,
^ unless you’re applying into an undersubscribed department at said school,

<p>There are a dozen ways in which a non 4.0, not 2300+ applicant can stand out to hyper-selective admissions committees. 3.84 + strong SAT = statistically in the running, then you need to stand out in some way.</p>

<p>I got into UChicago EA, so I believe that I am competitive.</p>