Midyear Reports

<p>Are these required for Wisconsin? Can't find related info, searched threads and found mixed answers regarding the issue.</p>


<p>If your application is still open later in January, you will receive a prompt to submit your first semester grades. I believe my son got an email telling him to log on and do it. </p>

<p>Good luck with your applications.</p>

<p>Last year, I received an e-mail in late January asking me to “self-report” via a link on MyUW my grades for first semester. After senior year is completed, HS’s are required to send final transcripts. Even if you’ve been accepted, it’s contiengent on information contained in these reports.</p>

<p>so it is self-report right?
I need to know because my counselors need this info ahead of time.</p>

<p>Last year was self-report for first semester grades, no high school guidance officer involved.</p>

<p>Unless getting ahead of this is important to your app process, I would recommend you wait until you hear something via e-mail or paper mail about what’s required. Last year, UW notified each applicant/accepted student with what was required and specified a due date. You will never have to guess or use an anonymous service like CC for determining what’s required.</p>