midyear reports

<p>hey guys, so i wanted to know if one bad midterm grade can affect your chances of getting accepted. i've gotten all a's except for one c in a killer spanish 5 ap class.</p>

<p>you’ll be fine, don’t worry</p>

<p>Haha, story of my life right now. I’d like to know as well…</p>

<p>you’ll be fine… at a community college</p>

<p>just kidding =D good luck!</p>

<p>not funny, does anyone who actually knows about the admissions process have an anwer?</p>

<p>Obviously its not going to help, but im sure that the admissions officer will recognize tbat the C is only an abnormality and that you typically perform at a higher level.
They won’t disregard it, and they won’t throw away your application because of it either.
If there’s nothing you can do about it now, then I would quit worrying and try to enjoy the rest of your senior year!</p>

<p>you’re so right, not the exact answer i was hoping for lol</p>

<p>lighten up. it’s just CC humor. a C is not a deal breaker.</p>

<p>i understand. you’re name is actually the same as my span teacher who gave me a C, but no hard feelings. haha. </p>

<p>i know a c is not the end of the world, but i’m concerned for a few of the more difficult schools that i’m applying to. for instance, duke, vanderbilt, washu, rice, brown, uva. do you think it will have a bigger affect on those schools?</p>

<p>it certainly won’t help you, which you probably already now. i really can’t see it hurting you that badly though. especially if it’s just one C in a sea of As.</p>