Midyear Transcript

<p>Quick question! just wondering if anybody has any idea as how to answer this....</p>

<p>So I was accepted to the U under EA and it is hands down my top choice. My acceptance letter said that I would find out about any merit scholarships in march. My guidance counselor uploaded my midyear transcript to common app because I applied to other schools that required it, although the U does not. So I guess my question is... since the U does not require my midyear transcript will they look at it? My issue is that I received a C on both my AP calculus and AP English midterms. My grades in both courses are A's (I received high A's in both for both the 1st and 2nd quarter and even with the Cs on the midterms my midyear grades are still As) but I fear that the U may see the Cs on the midterms and I therefore will not receive any merit scholarships. any ideas? I don't think the Cs on midterm exams are enough for them to contact me about my grades considering I have an A semester grade in both, but I cant help but worry. I know that I am probably over stressing about something so stupid but I cant help myself hahaha </p>

<p>If your school is like most, your qtr grades will show up on transcripts but not the midterm itself, even if it shows on your report card. </p>