<p>I’m looking for suggestions for military or other boarding schools for my 9th grade son. He is very bright in all areas, but especially in math and science. He’s done very well at CTY summer programs. Last year his teacher said that he was among the most exceptional students he’d ever had in over a decade of teaching at CTY and even more years teaching in an independent HS. But my son has failed every course this year in our local HS. He has been diagnosed this year with ADD, to our surprise, because he has never been hyperactive. But he is very, very disorganized, and during MS his grades gradually declined because of lost or forgotten homework assignments or projects. </p>
<p>So far, he has refused to try medication. On the advice of his therapist, my husband and I are looking for boarding schools for next year, and he would be applying to repeat 9th grade. He is not a behavior problem. On the contrary, he is exceptionally polite and respectful to teachers and other adults, and kind and accepting of other students. Drugs and alcohol are not in the picture, and I don’t think they’re likely to become issues for him. </p>
<p>We are hoping to find a boarding school that would:</p>
<li><p>be willing to accept a student who is extremely bright but who has failed 9th grade</p></li>
<li><p>provide the academic challenge that he needs</p></li>
<li><p>provide a warm, nurturing, and tolerant community</p></li>
<p>From what I can tell, there are plenty of schools for highly motivated students who are high achievers, and plenty of schools for kids with serious problems, such as drug or alcohol addiction. But I don’t know where to start looking for a school for a very bright, underachieving kid with no other problems.</p>