Mills College Lowering Tuition by 36%

I remember when Sewanee did something similar several years ago. They decided that it was not doing anyone any favors by playing the high-sticker-price, lower-actual-price game that most private schools play. They just started charging less.

It looks like Mills is doing something similar.

They are cutting tuition by 36%, from $44K to $28K per year in 2018.

It’s worth saying that I know a young woman currently at Mills and she is having a great experience. The cross reg with other nearby schools has made for an interesting time for her, including taking classes at Berkeley, and working on her studio art at an arts institute.

Nice. One of my kids was considering Mills. I will start recommending it more to students looking for a lower cost option.

Exactly! I’m wracking my brain to figure out who else to tell!

Sewanee’s tuition is $45K/year. Was it higher at one time?

Yeah. Sewanee lowered tuition by 10% in 2011. It was Big News then. Here’s the NYT article about it –

$45K/year is not that low; pretty typical for a private LAC, actually.

Didn’t last long for Sewanee, although their tuition cut was more modest than Mills so a few years of increases erased it:

Oh well. My kid has a category called “Schools that resemble Hogwarts” and Sewanee’s on that list.