Milstein Program

Have there been any interviews yet for the Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity?

I just got the email I am a finalist!!!

Hey, was wondering, what kind of questions were you asked in the interview?

@TheHungryTide have you done yours yet? Mine seemed very informal and not interview-ish

@katedagreat no, I havent done mine yet. Apparently last year they didnt have an interview even, so I didnt expect the interview to hold much weight either way. To be honest I am still getting a little anxious. Would you be comfortable with guiding me for my interview? If yes, could I ask how exactly your interview went?

@TheHungryTide Honestly, it was nothing don’t worry at all. My interviewer even said it was just to get us excited for the program. She asked about my coding experience (which is literally nothing but she said it didn’t matter) and if I was going to the reception. Since I’m going to the reception, I didn’t really ask her any questions and the whole interview was less than 4 minutes.