Milton Daniel room/bathroom specifics?

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>My D13 is very interested in TCU and its honors program. She has an 4.0 UW GPA and ACT=35, 9 APs total, lots of ECs & some key leadership roles. She plans to apply EA and we anticipate an invitation to the Honors program and Milton Daniel.</p>

<p>I was looking on TCU's Housing website to get more info on Milton Daniel. It looks beautiful, but I didn't see a floor plan or specific details on rooms like I've seen on other college's websites. I saw somewhere that all TCU first-year dorms have community style bathrooms. Is this the case for MD as well since it has mostly first-year students, even though it also houses some upperclassmen as well?</p>

<p>My D has a good friend who graduated two years ago and lived in a dorm (albeit at another college) with a community bathroom who said they aren't as bad as she thinks. D thought she could handle them. But she attended a two week residential program at a college in New York last month where she had a community bathroom and she didn't like it all. (But I fully acknowledge that was NYC and TCU is WAYYYY different!)</p>

<p>So, can you tell me if MD has community baths? Are there sinks and mirrors in each room so that you could at least wash your face/brush your teeth in your own room? Anyone have a floor plan of MD that you could send me? If so, please PM me.</p>

<p>Housing is very important to my D!! It now is pretty high on her list of criteria...after her experience last month, she wants to be sure she feels at home wherever she goes.</p>

<p>Many thanks!</p>

<p>I believe the freshman floors in Milton Daniel have community bathrooms, but sinks/mirrors in the room. I’m not sure why the floor plans seem to have disappeared from the TCU website. I remember D looking at them online last summer after she got her dorm assignment. You could call Housing & Residential Life to find out where they’re available, but I might wait a couple of weeks, since move-in has begun and they are probably a bit busy!</p>

<p>I think if your daughter visits the campus and sees the bathrooms for herself, she will find they’re pretty nice for community baths. D wasn’t so sure about it either, but it worked out fine. She liked it much better when she realized the cleaning service took care of the bathrooms, which she found preferable to cleaning her own bathroom at home!</p>

<p>Thanks, SouthernfriedMom!</p>

<p>Good point about cleaning the bathrooms! We’re planning to visit later this fall so my D can see for herself.</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>