Milton Lower School wait list?

Two kids offered spots on the Milton Academy lower school wait list and not sure what to make of it! One child applied for an entry year, the other is NOT an entry year.

Does anyone here have any perspective on how many children are typically on that wait list per grade and whether that wait list actually moves?

Big thanks!

@MamaInMassachusetts my daughter did not go to the lower school, but she did start in the middle school (6th grade, where they admitted just ten children, 5G and 5B) I don’t have any idea as to how many kids are on the wait list but I think it may be quite a few. The reasoning could be that once you’re in the school, you’re in through 12th grade if you so choose thus completely eliminating the need to attempt to get in during the higher, more competitive grades. They also seem to have very balanced classes in terms of boys and girls, so that would also impact who is chosen from the waitlist.

Never say never though, and good luck!!!