
<p>The mini-fridge is nice, but something tells me that if everyone in the dorm were to purchase one for his/her room, the electric bill at UA would be out of sight and lead to another hike in tuition, room and board costs – something that no one needs.</p>

<p>Okay, so I’ve been posting from my phone since I’ve been sitting in the ICU with a relative so please excuse the typos and any that may have been unclear.</p>

<p>I’m in agreement with M2CK, but others may think differently. Both M2CK and I were responding to the OP from our experiences…yours may very well be different. As stated, if you consider the situations above and the size of the refrigerator to be shared by four people and don’t think it is necessary then great. No one said everyone should have a mini fridge or even that parents must be the one going out to buy one and haul it across country. Personally, I’d wait and pick one up in Tuscaloosa if my child wanted/needed one since Target generally has tons of them for a great price at move in. What I find offensive is judging others for asking questions, even about tiny details which I may or may not find important. Something I might find silly this year wouldn’t have been silly to me last year when I was preparing to send D off to the UA. Many who have experiences with our own children gladly share our experience here to benefit those who are sending their kids away to the UA for the first time. There are many things to consider and it can be daunting to sort everything out. We each have different personalities…I am a planner and really like the small details. It doesn’t mean I micromanage my child or solve her smallest problems, but if I can avoid having her in an awkward situation I will do what I can to do so. Are there parents who micromanage? Yes, but I don’t try to determine whom they might be based on their asking questions. </p>

<p>Not everyone will need or want a mini fridge, but there are things to consider when making the decision. If those things aren’t important to you that’s great and you have an easy answer…no need to be find fault with anyone else who thinks differently or has a different experience that proved otherwise.</p>

<p>I apologize if I offended. I wasn’t finding fault with anyone in particular. I realize we all have different personalities. Mine obviously rubs some of you the wrong way. Sorry, but I yam what I yam.</p>

<p>On the fridge thing… Part of what you are paying for with these ridiculous dorm prices (unless you are on scholarship) is that cadillac refrigerator.</p>

<p>I’m not really offended, Slippy, but thanks for the apology. I just didn’t want any of you to be caught off guard if you end up with a roommate like my D’s first one who felt she had the right to control the entire suite and everyone in it. Her behavior (in front of her parents) suggested this was the norm for her and unfortunately would not have been something that my D could have influenced or resolved. Fortunately, I believe most of your children will not have the same experience. My other point was that while the fridge seems very roomy as you gazed inside it empty, in reality it isn’t that large once you have four sharing it. I’d encourage most to wait and see and pick one up in Tuscaloosa if you feel the need or want to purchase one though. Roll Tide!:)</p>

<p>The RA’s will tell your students to take the roommate contract seriously. I second that. Most situations will be up to the suitemates to set and enforce rules and sometimes this won’t work. They will also tell you that October seems to be the time when the “honeymoon” is over and those pesky habits like toothapaste in the sink, the empty water pitcher, the overflowing trash can, etc. seem to come to a head. Again, many of your children will have no issue or will easily be able to resolve their issues, but some will not and it will be a long year. It helps to eliminate the unnecessary things ahead of time if you can.:)</p>

<p>If we were to purchase a mini frig, what size would be acceptable? 2.8, 3.2 cu ft ?</p>

<p>my kids had good sized ones…I think they were 3.0 or 4.0…the ones with an actual freezer on top.</p>

<p>This looks like one my kids had…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I put a tray on top and one kid used it as a bedside table for his lofted bed (not lofted too high)</p>

<p>^^^^^m2ck, thank you. My DS will be in Ridgecrest South. Is there any restriction as to mini fridge size, I can’t seem to find anything on that.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>small refrigerators – (2’ x 3’ x 1’-6 cubic feet)</p>

<p>Just read the entire PDF, wow, you learn something new everyday. Lol</p>