Minimum class size?

<p>My son would like to switch the time of one his classes to one that was recently opened. The problem is, there are only 3 others in the class and the semester starts in a few days. Is there a minimum # that has to be in a class? If they cancel the class, what happens? Do they let you know so you can sign up for a different class, or do they just randomly assign you one? Thank you! :)</p>

<p>Nope - I took a course one spring semester that had a capacity of 40 people and only 7 were enrolled. Apparently it wasn’t uncommon for this class since there were so many sections.</p>

<p>It really depends on the department your son’s class is under, but since the semester is so close to starting, it is highly unlikely they would cancel. You can also try emailing that professor too - some professors are already emailing out things to their class, so they may reply and let you know if they will still teach even with low enrollment.</p>

<p>Agree with financiallylost… my son had a class this semester that had a total of 7 students. They met around a conference table!</p>

<p>I was in a six person class my senior year. It’s somewhat common in senior level classes in smaller majors.</p>