MINIMUM requirements for transfers?

<p>I am looking to transfer to UVa for Fall 2011. I'm currently a freshman at George Mason. What are the minimum requirements to transfer, for example what are the necessary GPA, SAT scores, etc? I am a little nervous about my grades now and I need to know how much to improve them!</p>

<p>There’s no min requirements for GPA/SAT. Only stuff like number of credits and classes if you’re applying to a certain program. The avg GPA for transfers is a 3.5 though. My guess is e-school lowers that a bit, Comm school raises it a bit, and College applicants are somewhere in the middle.
Shoot for high grades, do some ECs, and shine in your essays. I also suggest applying for entrance for your second/sophomore year. The more time here, the better :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the information! Is it harder to transfer for the spring semester rather than for fall?</p>

<p>Yes; and you can only apply for spring if you’re current a second year/sophomore (must have 26 credits or more at time of application)</p>

<p>Hey shoebox…I applied as a sophomore transfer to the school of engineering and applied sciences…I have not finished all the prerequisite requirements…on the fall semester grades i sent i had only completed 1 of the requirements…I finished the semester with a g.p.a of 3.8…during my spring semester i will be able to complete two more requirements…on the common app i told uva that I will be taking calculus 2 and physics at a local community college…DO u think I will have a chance of being accepted? thanks…</p>

<p>Transfers are too wide of a pool to give even close to accurate chances. Just hang in there…</p>

<p>If one decides to transfer to UVa, don’t they usually go to CCs in Virginia since they have guaranteed transfer option? I guess the OP did not think of transferring early…</p>

<p>We get plenty of transfers from four year schools.</p>

<p>I only know a couple of VCCS transfers in my class. Most are from other four years (VT, UConn, W&M, Leheigh, NYU, BostonU, Vandy, etc)</p>

<p>Edit: I probably don’t have a ton of interaction with VCCS transfers because I was a 2nd year transfer and being e-school…my opinion may be skewed</p>