Minnesota or UW-Madison

<p>I have about two weeks left to make my decision, but it is hard to choose between these two schools.</p>

<p>Madison would cost around $4000 more a year.
I want to major in either finance, MIS, business, etc (not sure).
I was accepted into Minnesota's Carlson business school. If I go to Madison, I would have to apply for admittance into their business school after freshman year. If I didn't get in, I would probably go for economics.</p>

<p>Any insights, comments, suggestions? I'm trying to look at the big picture (job opportunities after graduation, education level, internship opportunities, etc).</p>


<p>My husband is in the same boat. We have both applied to Madison. We have been accepted to the University of Minnesota, but are still waiting to hear back from Madison. (We are transfer students.) Ultimately, we would like to go to Madison. My husband is pursuing something along the lines of business or economics. Madison is rated better in both areas. It may cost a little more, but I think it would be worth it. Plus, Madison is an amazing college town.</p>

<p>Don’t go into debt for $4000 a year, the schools are too comparable. If your parents can afford UW without any family changes due to the extra cost make your choice on your overall feel for each school. Don’t worry about future jobs et al- unless you want to stay in the twin cities. Around here there are those who are Minn and those who are Wis fans- some who wouldn’t go to the other school if they had the choice.</p>

<p>$4000/yr debt is very manageable for a business student with good job prospects. UW has a much broader recruitment and placement base that is strong in the Midwest including Minny, but also Chicago and other cities plus the Northeast (NY/Boston) and even the west coast. In the latest Businessweek ranking UW was 25 and UMinn 42 I think. That is approaching significant.</p>

<p>Wow. I was in your shoes. I chose Madison. Screwed up my freshmen year and didn’t get into Business school. It all works out in the end with a lot of hard work, but that acceptance at Carlson is huge. Take advantage of it.</p>

<p>I have posted my comparisons of these two schools–I have a degree from both–in the past. In brief, my opinion is that UW provides a superior undergraduate experience for most students. However, I have to agree with MNBadger: if your focus is business and you are admitted to Carlson, one of UM’s most selective undergraduate programs, I would advise taking the bird in hand. I also think you’ll find strong respect for Carlson students across the Twin Cities and MN, and a good amount of respect elsewhere. The cost difference, while not decisive in itself, is a nudge in that direction, too. You might consider taking the savings and buy yourself a good used car after, say, a year, to get around the metro (buses are useful but a car will make things much easier).</p>

<p>Generally speaking, this Minnesotan would say UW is a better choice (!) for undergrad. However, Carlson is amazing. It is HIGHLY regarded. $16,000 over four years is not terrible, but why incur it plus take the risk of not getting into UW business if you are on the fence? Minneapolis is a great city too.</p>