Minorities at Vandy

<p>Where are the minorities? Is it serisouly easier for an asian to get in, even wit ha 3.2-3.3 uw, but a 2380?</p>

<p>I honestly don’t think that your ethnicity will help you THAT much to get into Vanderbilt. I’m not saying it wouldn’t happen-- your SAT scores are wonderful, and your GPA is certainly nothing to be ashamed of! I don’t think they really take into consideration your background as much as it’s advertised…</p>

<p>As for diversity in general, you can find it at Vandy if you look hard enough!! Well, that’s a bit of a lie— people just tend to group with people of their own ethnicity. I guess we’re just representative of human nature…</p>

<p>don’t blame it on human nature
that’s lame and also one of the main reasons I am not applying</p>

<p>I’m a minority, and I’d say a problem with Vandy is that the minorities clump too much. It is somewhat attributable to human nature; it can be a comfort thing. Is that an excuse? Not at all. Vandy still has a little ways to go with the diversity of its population, but its certainly making leaps and strides with each year.</p>


<p>I hope my post wasn’t misunderstood. I wasn’t blaming anything on human nature, not attempting to justify any of the active separation of ethnic groups at my school. However, I do think it’s natural to stick to people that are familiar to you, thus making it “human nature” to do so. Just because it’s human nature doesn’t mean it’s right, not in the least. </p>

<p>I also hope that reasons for not applying to Vanderbilt stretch far deeper that this one issue… I’ve visited many of the top 20 schools, and I’ve seen “clustering” far worse than what we have here.</p>