Minority Acceptance Question?

<p>Does UT give a lot of consideration on minority students? I am asking because I know that they get a lot of minority applicants.</p>

<p>I think that if there are two equal students applying to UTAustin and that one of those applicants is an underrepresented minority and UT could only accept one of those students, then probably, all else being equal, the URM has an advantage over the non URM. That's just my guess. </p>

<p>But if your stats are good enough to get in( top ten percent) or if you have another hook (athletics, national award in something, etc.) then it doesn't matter too much.</p>

<p>UT announced it will be officially be taking into account minority group status this year for the first time in many years. This is due to the recent Supreme Court case. Nobody know how much.</p>

<p>In a phone conversation with a person in one of the programs they said : "definitely" when asked as to whether they would take it into account.</p>

<p>So we know it WILL be taken into account, but how much no one can tell. It could be just a slight "tip" factor, or it could be much bigger</p>