Minority Experience at Texas A&M?

Hello all,

In the fall, I will most likely attend Texas A&M at College Station and will be majoring in engineering. After researching the university, I have come to find that 67% of the student population is comprised of white/non-hispanic students. As a minority (Sri Lankan) I feel like it is possible that I may feel like an outsider. Could current minority Aggies offer insight into the minority experience at this university?



Considering 72.4% of the American population is white, I would think that it would be better for minorities when they compromise more of the population.

@deluxan - You can pull all the statistics here: https://dars.tamu.edu/Data-and-Reports/Student/files/EPFA16.aspx

Per page 31 of the report, in the engineering college, 8.9% of students report Asian ethnicity and 16.0% are classified as international. These totals include graduate students.

you’ll be fine! I’m Japanese and our son will be going to A&M in the fall. my husband went to A&M in the early 80s and most good friends he had weren’t Americans. not that there’s anything wrong with Americans, but the school is so diverse and the kids are so nice, you’ll have no problem!

Have you watched the news lately? I don’t think the minority population is going to grow hun. I don’t think it’s fair to be in America and want less Americans…Or the dominant race, which is Caucasian. I know our race has MAJOR flaws but we are ALL America, love or hate us. Are you from here, dear?

Don’t feel like it would be BETTER with more of YOUR kind, as that is simply the EASY, and, even, racist way out. Embrace being a minority, being different. It will make you STRONGER. I have dozens of injuries and surgeries from a head on collision when a drunk driver hit me at 115mph. MANY people stare and talk about me when I’m in electric wheelchairs at Walmart or the mall, assuming I’m being lazy because I LOOK healthy and skinny. They don’t see the scars under my clothes hiding the metal rod and screws in my back and leg or metal plate and screws in my foot. Or the scars where bones came OUT of my foot and leg during the wreck. But I do not let their whispers effect me, for how can they know? Of COURSE they will judge. I used to judge in their shoes too. We all judge what we don’t know or understand. I don’t anymore tho: my wreck taught me a new perspective and made me open minded. MY ability to NOT judge and forgive them helps me be a better person and, yet, I wouldn’t be capable of this lesson without such a painful, difficult trial…One I’m most thankful for in that I learned and grew so much from it. Bad things will always happen but we can use these things ALL for our good if we CHOOSE to learn from them. Love others. Follow the golden rule my dear. Focus on your education for you will not see most of (the majority ;)) these people ever again!!! May you be blessed!!

are any of y’all from College Station? or even Texas?

@deluxan I don’t know if you read all the responses, but you’ll be fine!!!

I don’t think deluxan is saying that less white is better. @GeauxByTigers, you’re obviously LSU fan, so maybe you’re trying to run down A&M, but what the heck? "Don’t feel like it would be BETTER with more of YOUR kind, as that is simply the EASY, and, even, racist way out.” seriously? where did you get that from? there’s nothing in the original post that indicate anything even remotely close to suggesting what you stated. “are you from her, dear?” obviously not. that’s why he/she is asking the question. @deluxan , if anybody treats you like how the GeauxByTigers treated you in the response, Aggies will NOT tolerate it. the student body will not tolerate any racism, especially kids in the Corps. most Texans will treat you based on what kinda person you are. If you’re a jerk, they’ll treat you accordingly. I know people outside of Texas tend to think Texans are racist etc, but simply not true. I have never been treated with anything but respect, and if you have an accent or something, people might ask you questions about your place of origin, but purely out of curiosity and interest. I happen to have a Southern accent, so nobody ever thinks I’m from overseas, but people are curious as to where I may be from, because my accent is NOT Texan.