
<p>Hey all! So after a long decision making process I’ve decided to go forward with going to U of Arts (yay!) but just wanted to ask something 1st. Can any people who are or have been in the Musical Theatre program tell me about how many hours you spend in class and such? I only ask cause I was interested in possibly taking a minor but I also wanna do a work study and don’t wanna be overwhelmed my 1st year. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I’m in the acting program (as a current sophomore), but I might be able to answer your questions. MT’s normally have a bit more in-class time built into their schedules than acting majors, and I would say you should probably expect 8:30 or 10am starts most days (Wednesdays are normally lighter, but it all depends), and classes going until 5:20pm. Occasionally you’ll have classes that go later, but you’ll be out by 6:50pm unless YOU choose to take later classes. That is because rehearsals for shows are 7-11pm. As for minors, I know that not many MT students do them, but it IS possible. I have a friend who just declared a “Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology in Music” minor, and she is a musical theatre major. Acting and DPP majors can normally get away with minors pretty easily, with MT minors, creative writing minors, etc. So, I know it IS possible, you just have to be very pro-active when it comes to scheduling</p>

<p>My mistake…it’s now called “Music Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology” (MBET). Just in case you were going to look into it online.</p>

<p>And I’m currently a MT minor, and I might be able to add a music minor in as well (because half of the MT minor credits might apply to both)</p>

<p>It also helps if you come in with AP credits or test out of some requirements. My D is considering a web design minor, and will have plenty of time to complete it if she chooses.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply! It’s funny cause I actually did want to do the MBET minor as I like the music business and the required credits didn’t seem like it’d consume all my time. I think I’ll discuss it with an advisor in the fall and see if its possible.</p>